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Monday, February 04, 2008

Light Without Sight.

Can a blind man see when it is brightly lit around him? Can a seeing man see in the darkness? No.

John 9:25 states the blind man witnessing to the pharisees saying..."One thing I know, though I was blind, now I see." Full stop!!

The Pharisees, though they saw the Light of the world with their own eyes, failed to see. And Paul, saw only when he was struck blind. What mystery is this?

Those who are veiled by the god of this age, fail to let the glory of Christ, the Light shine through the darkness surrounding their lives [2 Cor 4:3,4]. He has veiled them, and hence they do not see. But we see...! How? Because we have received the Spirit of God, who knows all things. After all, no man can say that Christ is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. [ 1 Cor 12:3]

Praise God, that we are made to see, though we were blind. And those who believe they see, are actually blind. Let us pray, that God would use us to let His light shine through us into the lives of all the blind around us, that they may see and say "Though I was blind, now I see"

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