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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A few days ago, while I was praying, I had this conversation with God, which was so simple and yet so profound... that I couldn't help but post it here. Hope its an encouragement to you all.

Here goes --

I : What am I created for?
God : To worship the Father.

I : What should I do here on earth?
God : Worship God and love people.

I : Is it as simple as that?
God : Yes

I : Then why is it so difficult for me to love people?
God : Because you don't let go of the sins that are forgiven. Your sins are as far from you as the east is from the west. Don't let your past affect your future.

I : And I should just trust You....
God : Yes

I : You really love me, don't You?
God : Yes, with all My heart.

I : Thank You Lord. You're my Best Friend :)
God is looking for people who will seek Him with their all. Is there anyone who wants God, so much that they'd rather die than be without Him? Such are the people God is looking for.

Are you sold out for Christ? Do you realise how much you're worth? You're as costly as the blood of Christ!
Blood if life... And God bought you with the blood of the Life-Giver, Christ Jesus Himself. You are princes and princesses, children of the Living God, the King! Know who you are...!

Who are you? Who is Christ to you? Who are you in Him? Stop treating yourself as dirt. You were not bought with the corruptible riches of this world, but with the precious blood of Christ.

Even a vessel used for storing water can be an instrument of God's miraculous power; you might turn out to be the vessel whose water is turned into wine. You just need to be available.

Not 'able'; just 'available'.

Wait....! Hold it...! That's the only way to renew your strength. To not faint, to continue to run.. you must wait.