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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just a short study on what humility brings in our lives -
Wealth [Proverbs 22:4]
Honor [Proverbs 15:33,Proverbs 22:4]
Life[ Proverbs 22:4]
Safety from God's wrath [Zephaniah 2:3,1 Kings 21:29]
Guidance [Psalm 25:9]
Sustenance [Psalm 147:6]
Rejoicing [Isaiah 29:19]
Grace [1 Peter 5:5]
Exaltation [Matthew 23:12,Luke 18:14,Luke 14:11,James 4:10]
Wisdom [Proverbs 11:2]
Forgiveness [Luke 18:14 - because the man was humble before God, he went back justified!!]
Deliverance [2 Samuel 22:28]
Turns God's anger [1 Kings 21:29]
Esteem from God! [Isaiah 66:2]
Blessing [Luke 1:48]
Healing of the land [2 Chronicles 12:7]
Obedience [Philippians 2:8]
The crown of salvation [Psalm 149:4]
The humble are the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven!! [Matthew 18:4]

Humility is a necessity in God's children[Philippians 2:1,Colossians 3:12], and I think the reason is quite evident! :) Praise God!

Thanks for the suggestion Sarah!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I remember around three-four days ago, I wrote in my journal that one of my greatest weaknesses is the inability to see God in both His aspects - love and wrath. And I wanted to understand what it really was like.
I must say, God is so true in everything that He says, including where He says, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you".
Today I got perhaps the most vivid explanation of what I was seeking - the Cross.
When we behold the cross, we shall see, the love and wrath of God, manifested in its fullness. The wrath of God that must be satisfied, was the necessity of the cross. And the love of God that saved us, was manifested in the only Son of God, Jesus Christ, giving His own life on the same cross.
Think of it, its overwhelming!
God punishing, and God accepting the punishment on our behalf. What love is this??
The unfathomable, incomprehensible, unchangeable, incomparable, indescribable love of God...