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Thursday, April 10, 2008

When the Light of the world steps in, there's no room for darkness to stay. Of course, when light comes, all that is hidden is exposed. And all the muck is visible. But of course, Jesus doesn't embarrass us by showing us all the muck, our sins, our shameful thoughts and intents of the heart.

In fact,I see the Lord..On His fours, leaning down and cleaning all our sins with His bloody hands. Lo! He is weeping. He is weeping at how I've corrupted His beautiful creation. The one He lovingly formed in the mother's womb. He's weeping..... he's washing my feet!

Hallelujah, that His love has defeated the strongest of His foes..! He's scattered satan and his allies, and bought me back.

What happens next..? I fall flat on my face, worshipping Him...

I will sing of my Redeemer,
Lift my voice to praise my Lord
Ransomed by His blood and mercy
I am His forever more


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Rini Abraham said...

God bless