Samson was an amazing man of God, a Nazarite, set apart for God from his birth. He had an amazing calling on his life, to start the process of freeing Israel from the clutches of the Philistines. This man's life is quite an irony.
And I want to share how he betrayed his calling, so that we all do not repeat his mistake.
Samson fell in love with a lovely young lady, Delilah. Sounds sweet, but the problem was, that she was from Philistine. Nonetheless, he continued in his relationship with her. On her constant prodding (the NIV reads 'until he was tired to death') he disclosed his source of strength to her. This one mistake led to his eyes being gouged out, and a life of grinding grain, and performing feats to entertain the Philistines. The saddest phrase that I find there, is when Samson thinks he'll just go out and shake the Philistines off, 'he did not know that the LORD had left him' [Judges 16:20]
Being totally defeated and humiliated, Samson is led blind to the prison.
But notice what happens next, his hair begins to grow again. A nazirite, once defiled, had to spend an amount of time in consecration to the LORD again, in order to become a Nazirite again. And after that period, he was to offer a sacrifice to God to be sanctified again. Samson had not the ability to offer a sacrifice, for all he had was his own life.
Being in that pitiful state Samson prayed , 'O Sovereign LORD, remember me. O God, please strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes' [Judges 16:28]
'Let me die with the Philistines'[Judges 16:30]
And having said thus, God granted him strength, such that he pushed the two pillars on which the temple stood, and it came crumbling down, the whole temple upon all those within it. In his death, Samson killed more Philistines than he did all his life.
Only one thought comes to my mind, that God has never, and will never forsake his people, unfaithful though we are. God has not forsaken Israel, though they were disobedient and stiff-necked. Neither will He leave us. Take not for granted His mercy. Live a life that fulfils that for which He caught hold of us. Lest you find yourself standing before Him and hear Him say, "Depart from me. I do not know thee."
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