A Quote On Healing by Dr Charles S Price
"When we want to bring light into a room, we do not try to cast the darkness out, but we put light in. It is vain to struggle to get rid of our pains and our sufferings and even our sins and our weaknesses. The only way one can rid himself of the power of the devil is to admit and give authority to the power of the Lord Jesus. We cannot do it, but HE CAN! No man can save himself by abstinence from things which are sinful. That is why salvation is not what we do, but what we are. We are transformed into His image and, beholding that Image, as in a glass, we are changed from glory to glory, until at last we shall awaken completely IN HIS LIKENESS! That is why whenever we hear some of God's sincere, but immature children, pounding away on the externals, we know that the glorious light of the revelation of the truth as it is in our blessed Lord has not yet fully come to them. When we become LIKE HIM, we are delivered from the bondage of the outer, Of course, that will reflect the transformation in the inner. Then we abstain, not to be saved, but because we are redeemed. The same is true when it comes to the healing of the body. In the days of old, virtue flowed from Jesus, when people pressed forward to touch Him. That virtue was an integral part of the Christ Himself. The disease simply could not abide in the presence of the Virtue! Can corruptioncontinue when Incorruption takes the throne? Will mortality still exist when Immortality reigns? Have we not known that there is a law--a Divinely appointed and imparted law--and it is called THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS! It makes us free from the lawof sin and of death! It supersedes it. It overwhelms it. It makes it incapable of operation. Why should we try to remove by our own struggles the law of sin and death when such victory can only be brought about by the operation of the LAW OF LIFE in Him? In the last analysis, the goal of every mature Christian should not be Divine Healing but DIVINE HEALTH! The flow of His life through ours; the surrender of our will to His; the impartation of His nature, until our natures are impregnated with the glory and the presence of the Divine! Not in an instant! Not in some emotional moment at an altar! But by that daily acknowledgment of His lovely presence in ALL OUR WAYS, and the surrender of EACH MOMENT to His care and to His keeping."
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